

olefiniStandard air curtains:

We like to offer you a large choice of Olefini aircurtains. A product based on environmental air, waterheated or with an electrical resistance, we offer you a solution. For more information:


Our slogan: “The art of invisible doors”. Our latest generation of aircurtains offers you a wide choice. We work together with the customer to find the most ecological solution. For more information:


Through our Powerstream we offer you an efficient way to separate the temperature. Our isolating layer is often the response for certain humidification problems with freezers. For more information:

powerstreamPowerstream in combination with active dehumidification:

Throughout this form of our Powerstream we can expand to different combinations that make active dehumidification of frontrooms possible. For more information:

advantixLiquid salt dehumidification:

Liquid salt dehumidification is able to cool, purify and dehumidify in one device with an amazing low consumption and a good price/quality formula.

contronicsUltrasoon Moistening:

With a wide variety of products and the cleanest water, they make a damp to embrace your fresh products. Contronics provides a wide gamma, applicable with: fruits and vegetables, meat and fish, ventilationsystems, refrigerated counters, proofers,… For more information:

mellor-bromleySpinning Disc:

This is an industrial technic for fine and thick atomization of large quantities of moisture.
Applicable in malting plants, spinning mills, large volumes,… For more information: